Karishma Kapoor will be come back to the big screen after a five year gap in Vikram Bhatt’s next 3D venture titled, Dangerous Ishq. It’s believed Karishma’s role will be of a supermodel who gives up her career to marry the man of her dreams.
An excited Vikram Bhatt tweeted, ‘As promised Karishma's character in 'Dangerous Ishq' - a super model who gives up her career to marry the man she loves, before the marriage continues, her fiancĂ©e is kidnapped by an enemy who has been chasing her through many lifetimes...to find out who she must find out about her lives.’
After much speculation, Vikram Bhatt has taken on model turned actor, Rajneish Duggal to play Karishma Kapoor’s love interest.
Undoubtedly, Karishma Kapoor was one of the most successful and talked about actresses during her time. She went onto winning many prestigious awards including the National Award for her performances in films like, Raja Hindustani,Dil To Pagal Hai, and Fiza.
An excited Vikram Bhatt tweeted, ‘As promised Karishma's character in 'Dangerous Ishq' - a super model who gives up her career to marry the man she loves, before the marriage continues, her fiancĂ©e is kidnapped by an enemy who has been chasing her through many lifetimes...to find out who she must find out about her lives.’
After much speculation, Vikram Bhatt has taken on model turned actor, Rajneish Duggal to play Karishma Kapoor’s love interest.
Undoubtedly, Karishma Kapoor was one of the most successful and talked about actresses during her time. She went onto winning many prestigious awards including the National Award for her performances in films like, Raja Hindustani,Dil To Pagal Hai, and Fiza.
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